Balancing being present & planning for the future

Balancing being present & planning for the future

energy how to inner practice mindset self-care subconscious

It feels so good to be back with you. We are going to be chatting today all about the importance of presence.


In this blog I cover:

Before we get into that conversation, I just wanted to share with you how amazing these past few weeks have been. I ended up going on a road trip all across British Columbia. 

So for those of you that maybe you're new here, I live in Canada and I live on Vancouver Island. My partner and I took a really awesome road trip all across the province. We got to spend time with our dear friends. We went to Natural Hot Springs and we even got to go to one of our favorite music festivals, Shambhala.

It goes without saying it's been a pretty wild adventure and it felt really nourishing to just be in a beautiful experience surrounded by people and music and just to dance for 14 hours.

It really put into perspective for me the importance of releasing the narrative of striving to get there or trying to rush and chase to the next thing because what can happen is you get stripped of the pleasure and the present.


Balancing being present & planning for the future
Balancing being present & planning for the future
Balancing being present & planning for the future


Insights from Shambhala Music Festival

I remember being at Shambhala and it was around 2:00 in the morning and I was dancing and just had this feeling this is what life's all about

It's about really just enjoying where you are

It's about being grateful for the moments that you're presently experiencing.

It's not to say that we don't get excited for the future because I'm all about planning and goal setting. But sometimes, what can happen is when you're so future focused, the next thing you know, a whole year has gone by and you're like, “what just happened?”

Maybe that entire year you were so focused on the next thing that you didn't even stop and smell the fucking roses! I think that's something that a lot of people experience, especially being an entrepreneur.

It's really ingrained in us…

What's the next thing

What's the next thing that you're doing or the next thing you're launching

What's your next sales goal?


How to feel excited about the next thing without feeling like what you have isn’t enough

These things are all beautiful and exciting and by no means am I saying that we shouldn't get excited about our desires or where we want to go next, but, there needs to be a balance.

There needs to be a balance of being present and also being excited about where you get to go next. The really interesting thing is that you can be presently excited about the next thing without feeling like what you have right now isn't enough.

A lot of people get stuck in this narrative of like, well, I don't have enough clients or I don't have enough money or I don't have enough this or enough that.

The more you're grateful for what you have, the more you're going to be given things to be grateful for.


Thoughts around the present moment and quantum leaping

There's this idea that the future is this other chunk of time and that the past is this other chunk of time.

But that's actually not true

The only time that exists is the present moment

In the present moment, all timelines exist.

I believe that you get to pull your creations from the quantum field at any moment you choose to. I'm not sure if you're familiar with Joe Dispenza's work, but I really value his work within quantum physics because it really shows how manifestation works through the lens of science.

I would encourage you to read the book, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, because he really breaks down manifestation in a very tangible way. This book is a really powerful book because it talks about manifestation through the lens of science and what actually happens as a result of creating in the quantum field.


How to jump into a new timeline

I believe that all timelines exist now. The timeline where you're madly in love, the timeline where you're receiving money and it feels like a breeze, the timeline where you're wholly and fully immersed in self trust and that you truly believe in your capacity to do big, bold and brave things.

You know the timeline where your soulmate clients flood into your DM's and they say, “Where the hell have you been all my life?”

This is why when you hear people talking about quantum leaping, it's literally like they've intentionally created something in the quantum field. What they've done is they've then got themselves into the embodiment of that desire in the present. This is where people can drastically see a massive change in results in their life.


Potential challenges that may come up in this process

We were all raised in a patriarchal society that is really immersed in wounded masculine energy, where "it's all about the hustle", and "you’ve got to grind"... A lot of us are indoctrinated into this idea that everything has to be really hard and that we never have enough.

There are still aspects of your consciousness that are still attached to this old way of being, yet that's not what you want to do. That's not how you want to live. It's just your job to prioritize the beingness, prioritize how you feel, prioritize what practices you do, how you show up, what kind of life you want to live.

Your mind creates the doubts and the insecurity and the separation and the fear and that may be self-imposed or it could also be rooted in trauma. If you experience doubt and insecurity or separation fear, it's more like,

“What do I need to do to help myself heal and hold space for the parts of me that maybe were taught?”


How the subconscious mind is always proving you right

I've seen this countless times within my clients as well. When you learn to harness the potency of your subconscious mind and you learn to work with your body as a vessel for creation, it is life changing, right?

The body and the mind aren't separate entities.

When you learn to harness the potency of your subconscious mind and you unlearn patterns and behaviors then you also work with your body as a vessel for creation, your life will change.

When you learn to create safety and security and worthiness in your body, in your mind, in the present, you're no longer working against the very things that you so deeply desire to have hold and to be.

When you learn to harness the potency of your subconscious mind and you start to outsource things to your subconscious mind to help you create what you desire, it doesn't mean that you're not necessarily doing work or putting in effort, but it means that it doesn't feel like you're resisting the very things that you desire.


Planning for the future while being present

Do I plan and get excited for the future? I absolutely do.

I have some really beautiful things that I'm planning and I'm excited about it. I'm doing so from a place of being in pleasure in the present. 

I'm actually just making my life feel more nourishing as I go along. And like I said before, the difference is that you get to look at the future as a moment that exists in the present and you get to look at the past as a moment that exists in the present.


Thoughts on the impermanence of life

Something I was thinking about yesterday was the impermanence of life and how we have this idea that we're going to live forever. We're going to live until we're old and gray, and I pray that all of us do, but that isn't necessarily the truth.

Because the reality is, life is fucking short, and I want to live life fully and boldly and brilliantly.

I want to take up space.

I want to help change the world

I want to massively impact the lives of others

I want to create a life that is full of meaning

I want to help other people do the same.

This isn't my career. This is my fucking mission. And I'm just at this point where I'm like, I'm just going to fucking go for it. All of it. I'm not going to hold myself back. I'm not going to let the fear or doubt get in the way of what I know my soul is here to do.

There's no final destination to reach. It's just a matter of remembering that every single day is an opportunity to take that step forward, to loving yourself more fully, to creating, magick in the world.

I'm so grateful to have you here and I'm so grateful to be exploring life alongside you and so know that everything you desire is yours.

Go for it, do the damn thing, have lots of fun and enjoy the fuck out of your life, because at the end of the day, it's pretty damn short.

I love you so much. I hope you have an amazing week! 



If you loved the topic of this post, be sure to listen to the full, unedited podcast episode of The Embodied Leadership Podcast through the links at the top of the page.


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The work we do together is about liberating your self expression in life, love & leadership. It’s where you embrace your artistry & the full spectrum of your humanity to create true, embodied freedom, fulfillment & wealth from the inside out.

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