1:1 Self Expression & Embodied Leadership container for established business owners, creatives & visionary leaders

This 3 or 6 months container is a high-touch, immersive space that combines transformational coaching methods, consulting & somatic, breathwork & hypnotherapy facilitating to support you in liberating deeper layers of your self expression & rooting into your embodied leadership in expansive & nourishing ways.

If you’re like my other clients, you’re deeply passionate about the ripple effect of impact that your life changing work has on the lives of others. You’re here to be hired by dream clients on repeat, be a go-to in your industry, speak on stages, writing best selling books, be known globally for your body of work, host retreats/events in dream locations, experience a reality where you’re not just making big money, but you’re embodied in true wealth from the inside out & exist in a reality where you’re truly fulfilled & present with your beautiful life where you get to be present & spoil your loved ones.

Your vision isn’t just about creating wild success, it’s about existing in a life that you’re enriched by where freedom, nourishment & your well-being is also a top priority. The kind of vibes that allow you to play in the forest with your loved ones whenever you please while knowing that your business has your back & that your bank account is flourishing. Soul deep somatic & subconscious success is the way forward.

My expertise within the intricacies of self expression & embodied leadership takes a holistic, full body approach to supporting you within the realms leadership development, breathwork, hypnosis & somatics so that you create lasting, sustainable results that continue to change your life in the many years to come. Through supporting 1000’s of people over the past 8 years, I’ve learned that who you’re being on an identity level within your nervous system & subconscious imprinting, influences & impacts every facet of your leadership & the success you’re here to experience.

You’re here to enter a new relationship with your leadership & business where pressure & overwhelm has melted away like butter. Where you trust your liberated self expression & the limitations that come with holding back out of the fears of rejection, judgment, being misunderstood or having your character misrepresented as you share your powerful work with the world no longer stand in the way of the movement you’re here to lead.

It’s time to be recognized in bold ways for your expertise, to own your brilliance unapologetically & cultivate your own flavor of leadership so that your business feels like an authentic extension of who you are

❂ All the details including pricing & what’s included are located on the first page of the application below!

I’m so excited to connect & to dive into your application

For me, for you, for all of us rising together, eye to eye, heart to heart & soul to soul

Together, we soar!

Scope of practice & lineage:

- Certified Holistic Health & Life Coach
The Health Coach Institute February 2018-Feburary 2019

- Certified Trauma-Informed Life & Success Coach, NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), Hypnotherapy, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Energy Healing
Liberate Certification Program with Kayley Robsham March 2021-August 2021

- Breathwork Blueprint Training
BreathARMY March 2022-May 2022 

- Breathwork, Somatic & Leadership Facilitator Training
LightFORCE Facilitator Training with Jeffrey Sorensen of BreathARMY June 2022-June 2023

1:1 Self Expression & Embodied Leadership container for established business owners, creatives & visionary leaders

This 3 or 6 months container is a high-touch, immersive space that combines transformational coaching methods, consulting & somatic, breathwork & hypnotherapy facilitating to support you in liberating deeper layers of your self expression & rooting into your embodied leadership in expansive & nourishing ways.

If you’re like my other clients, you’re deeply passionate about the ripple effect of impact that your life changing work has on the lives of others. You’re here to be hired by dream clients on repeat, be a go-to in your industry, speak on stages, writing best selling books, be known globally for your body of work, host retreats/events in dream locations, experience a reality where you’re not just making big money, but you’re embodied in true wealth from the inside out & exist in a reality where you’re truly fulfilled & present with your beautiful life where you get to be present & spoil your loved ones.

Your vision isn’t just about creating wild success, it’s about existing in a life that you’re enriched by where freedom, nourishment & your well-being is also a top priority. The kind of vibes that allow you to play in the forest with your loved ones whenever you please while knowing that your business has your back & that your bank account is flourishing. Soul deep somatic & subconscious success is the way forward.

My expertise within the intricacies of self expression & embodied leadership takes a holistic, full body approach to supporting you within the realms leadership development, breathwork, hypnosis & somatics so that you create lasting, sustainable results that continue to change your life in the many years to come. Through supporting 1000’s of people over the past 8 years, I’ve learned that who you’re being on an identity level within your nervous system & subconscious imprinting, influences & impacts every facet of your leadership & the success you’re here to experience.

You’re here to enter a new relationship with your leadership & business where pressure & overwhelm has melted away like butter. Where you trust your liberated self expression & the limitations that come with holding back out of the fears of rejection, judgment, being misunderstood or having your character misrepresented as you share your powerful work with the world no longer stand in the way of the movement you’re here to lead.

It’s time to be recognized in bold ways for your expertise, to own your brilliance unapologetically & cultivate your own flavor of leadership so that your business feels like an authentic extension of who you are

❂ All the details including pricing & what’s included are located on the first page of the application below!

I’m so excited to connect & to dive into your application

For me, for you, for all of us rising together, eye to eye, heart to heart & soul to soul

Together, we soar!

Scope of practice & lineage:

- Certified Holistic Health & Life Coach
The Health Coach Institute February 2018-Feburary 2019

- Certified Trauma-Informed Life & Success Coach, NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), Hypnotherapy, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Energy Healing
Liberate Certification Program with Kayley Robsham March 2021-August 2021

- Breathwork Blueprint Training
BreathARMY March 2022-May 2022 

- Breathwork, Somatic & Leadership Facilitator Training
LightFORCE Facilitator Training with Jeffrey Sorensen of BreathARMY June 2022-June 2023