Charlotte Emily
“I wasn’t looking for someone to “fix” my human journey. I wanted someone in my corner through what I knew would already be one of the most expansive and stretchy years of my life. And I’m so grateful I trusted that gut feeling! I evolved from making $5-10k per month, to celebrating my first $50k month in our time together. I hosted a 42 person retreat in Bali, and spoke at events around the world. I’ve purchased property for an eco sanctuary in Indonesia. I became a more patient, trusting, grounded mother and partner. I navigated a friendship/business breakup with so much mature communication and grace. I’m leading a team of visionaries to massive success in the online space. I could go on and on, but what matters most is that I’ve felt so deeply held and loved by Rachael through one of the biggest years I’ve ever moved through. I truly don’t recognize the person I was when we first started working together - I’ve expanded my capacity beyond what I knew I could over the last year. I don’t believe we’re ever going to feel fully “healed” and living a perfect, easy life. That’s not the point. But when we look back, we realize how much we were actually evolving and the ripple effects of shifts that were made, that now affect who we’re being in our daily lives in such a massive way. So incredibly grateful for the loving space Rachael has held, and who I’ve become in the process.
I could tell Rachael truly cared and felt what I was moving through. I rarely needed to explain myself, she just got it all. She holds such a loving space for the waves I’m riding, without trying to “fix” them but rather just witnessing and holding me through the emotions of being a human, a mother, a leader. She is very intuitive and has so many tools to offer, specifically hypnosis being one that felt very supportive. You can just feel the love that she radiates and know that she truly wants to see you thrive.”

Storm Jerney
“My transformation with Rach was powerful, life changing and expansive. Investing in the mentorship was a big leap for me, which I knew intuitively I just had to take even though I had so much fear come up in the process. I am so, so grateful that I did because I genuinely wouldn’t be where I am today without her support.Â
I uplevelled in literally all areas of my life, my big results being:
- I generated $75k in sales in the first 3 months of the year, fully booked out in my 1:1 spaces working with clients I absolutely fucking love.Â
- I rebranded my business and birthed the company that has been in the works for a while now, which is no longer about me but about the mission.Â
- I’ve created a work life balance like never before, living with freedom and peace that I wake up so grateful for each day.Â
- I manifested my beautiful partner who is everything I ever dreamt of in a relationship, which Rach really supported me through.Â
The external wins are amazing but mostly I’m celebrating the woman that I’ve grown into over these last 6 months. I’m so fucking proud of myself and who I choose to be each day.Â
Working with Rach was so much fun, she became someone that I really trust and feel so supported by. Being held in her sessions and Voxer is something I’m so deeply grateful for, the permission to just be all me and let it all come up. Time and time again we worked through deep fears, worries, wounds and limiting beliefs. Just having someone in your corner to do that with is so life changing, especially as someone who holds space for other people it’s so amazing to also be held.Â
Rach is the queen of being a hype woman, working with her was so fun for the constant hype and the best friend kind of connection we built (whilst still being held to a higher standard consistently).Â
If you’re considering working with her and it feels right for you then go for it, you won’t regret it. The fear is normal, it’s a part of the process. Lean into it and let your faith be louder, you’re worthy of your dreams and having support in bringing them to life. Rach will help you in so many ways, you can trust in that. I’ll forever be grateful I took the leap and said yes to her/me in this way"

Racks Lewczuk
“Working with Rach feels like a consistent warm hug. I came to her after experiencing lots of strategy-based coaches and having her hold me through the ebbs and flows and completely redirect my POV was game changing. I go back to her voicenotes often for reminders. She will not only help you point out your blind spots but she is simultaneously a teacher, a holder, and an expander.
Having her in your corner is so magical and powerful. She truly sees you for who you are, but also won’t let you stay where you are. For me it wasn’t about signing clients, it was about coming home to myself. While I absolutely signed 40k for my launch during her support, I don’t think I could’ve done it without the way RACH does it. I didn’t need someone to tell me how, I needed someone to reflect my power back to me and help me open my own eyes. Good shit. Love you Rach, you’re my ultimate guide.”

Jessie Giannetto
“Before working with Rachael my business felt stagnant, like I was putting in a lot of time and energy without seeing any results. I kept going around in circles, I could sense I needed a restructure, but everything felt hard and unclear. I didn't realize at the time but what I needed was support. I had all of these big aspirations, like wanting to increase my impact, audience and money yet it felt out of reach. I felt a lot of hopelessness and despair as I knew this was my soul work and that there wasn't any other option.
Through working with Rachael I raised my prices!! This one was huge because I felt confident in doing so. I restructured my business- expanding my role as a mentor. Creating packages that are more sustainable to stabilize my income. I have learnt so much about launching online programs!! Before I felt like I was stabbing in the dark, whereas now I feel confident launching, even with fear present. I got clear on who I was talking to. I unlevelled in every area of my life tbh. My boundaries, my self expression, I would say even my appearance! I learnt how to improve my writing skills and how to talk directly to my clients desires (this was huge). My social media presence became stronger and my overall engagement increased. My marketing skills improved!
I loved hypnosis- this felt like such an embodied approach and I always felt palpable shifts after doing them. I never felt judged- she held such a safe container where I could not only be myself, but also felt like I could share freely whatever was coming up for me. I loved how she took the time to give me specific examples when she was helping me write my sales page. This really helped my learning style and that she kept doing so until I got it. I would find myself eager to listen to her voice notes in the morning. And that she put so much time into them. Rachael went above and beyond! Rachael & her husband meticulously went through my website and showed me how to radically improve it.
I am celebrating the fact that my expression feels the most liberated that it's ever felt. I feel truly embodied as a leader and like I have a new channel of creativity pouring through. I am celebrating more consistency within my business- I have more self-trust and it all feels possible. I have more strategy and a plan, which frees up more energy for rest and play. I am showing up in bigger ways!! People have commented that my social media presence has improved.
I can see how I am going to create impact and wealth and I feel connected to this timeline. Like I actually know I get to experience this. I am worthy. I can be 100% myself. This is my it factor! I get to be an enigma, I get to be it all. I am more confident posting on social media- I spiral less about it, I have stronger boundaries with clients. I now fully own that it’s ok to want to be known for your work & I came here to do BIG things
If you’re thinking about working with Rachael, Fucking do it!!! It was the BEST thing I ever did for myself and my business. If you are scared to spend the money and take that leap, know that you are investing in your future. Only amazing things await you on the other side!! If you want to do big things in the world then you need a coach. Period. And you aren't going to get anyone with more integrity as Rach ;)"

Rachael Hillard
“The first month of working with Rach, I noticed HUGE shifts in the way that I was supported compared to other coaching containers. She was so prompt & intentional about holding space for me. I could tell instantly that she REALLY GENUINELY cared about me as a person first & foremost & that created such a safe space for me to just be me in ALL of who I am. Rach is so in touch with her intuition & I really value that as a person. My income SKYROCKETED y’all BUT that was a BYPRODUCT of being so supported, loved, safe & seen. When we first started this container I was making $3K-5K & in our last month together I had my first 20K month! I’m not saying everyone should expect those results BUT it is SO possible with having the level of support Rachael offers! Rachael celebrated the HELL out of me AND held me in the times where I needed extra love sent my way.
Rachael held a container for me to evolve, heal & connect in a way that was in COMPLETE alignment to who I AM as a person & what I need. She is a soul sister for LIFE! I’m more of ME than I ever have been in my life & business. I’m FOREVER GRATEFUL for this experience.”

Ingrid Nedrebo
“Working with Rachael has been absolutely life changing. She helped me realize something in-f*cking-valuable — how deeply powerful & capable I am to do it myself, my way, WHILE receiving incredible support from someone deeply intuitive, who has walked the path & knows what the f they are talking about. Her mind-bending wisdom & experience has completely expanded & transformed my view on reality, my sense of self, business & money. She has helped me tap into potential within myself I knew existed, I just didn’t know how to access it.
In other words… If you’re pulled to working with Rachael… DO. IT. Thank you Rachael. I’m so deeply grateful.”

Brittany Bolan
“I’m convinced Rachael is the internets best kept secret. She has this ability to truly see you & hold space for you in a powerful way so that you can truly see yourself. I went into our container desiring to increase my monthly recurring revenue & in just 3 months that’s exactly what happened. I went from inconsistent/ no recurring revenue to having multiple 5-figures set for 2023. But that is the least interesting thing that came from our time together. I experienced a complete shift in my being, how I saw my business, myself & my life really. I’ve never felt more clear & sure of myself, my impact and my mission before. The power & courage I feel inside because of our conversations is unmatched. I can’t recommend Rachael enough. Thank you Rach for being you!”

Lexi Valenzuela
“My transformation working with Rachael was a total inside-out badass experience - I truly feel like I underwent a metamorphosis. When Rachael and I first started working together I was often experiencing spirals and imposter syndrome — I didn’t have the tools to regulate myself or much knowledge about my emotional experiences. Rachael was an incredible support system throughout it all, always encouraging and challenging me to step into leadership. Rachael truly holds you in all aspects of life and business, she’s a mentor who will hold such a beautiful space for you & really be there to support you, especially within Voxer. You can tell she truly loves and cares for your growth inside and outside of business. Her challenging you — is the sweetest & most loving support. I felt so safe expressing myself. She holds the highest vision for you always. You need to work with Rachael, you will be deeply held, supported, & loved even your most challenging of times.”

1:1 Self Expression & Embodied Leadership container for established business owners, creatives & visionary leaders
This 6 month container is a high-touch, immersive space that combines transformational coaching methods, consulting & somatic, breathwork & hypnotherapy facilitating to support you in liberating deeper layers of your self expression & rooting into your embodied leadership in expansive & nourishing ways.
If you’re like my other clients, you’re deeply passionate about the ripple effect of impact that your life changing work has on the lives of others. You’re here to be hired by dream clients on repeat, be a go-to in your industry, speak on stages, writing best selling books, be known globally for your body of work, host retreats/events in dream locations, experience a reality where you’re not just making big money, but you’re embodied in true wealth from the inside out & exist in a reality where you’re truly fulfilled & present with your beautiful life where you get to be present & spoil your loved ones.
Your vision isn’t just about creating wild success, it’s about existing in a life that you’re enriched by where freedom, nourishment & your well-being is also a top priority. The kind of vibes that allow you to play in the forest with your loved ones whenever you please while knowing that your business has your back & that your bank account is flourishing. Soul deep somatic & subconscious success is the way forward.
My expertise within the intricacies of self expression & embodied leadership takes a holistic, full body approach to supporting you within the realms leadership development, breathwork, hypnosis & somatics so that you create lasting, sustainable results that continue to change your life in the many years to come. Through supporting 1000’s of people over the past 8 years, I’ve learned that who you’re being on an identity level within your nervous system & subconscious imprinting, influences & impacts every facet of your leadership & the success you’re here to experience.
You’re here to enter a new relationship with your leadership & business where pressure & overwhelm has melted away like butter. Where you trust your liberated self expression & the limitations that come with holding back out of the fears of rejection, judgment, being misunderstood or having your character misrepresented as you share your powerful work with the world no longer stand in the way of the movement you’re here to lead.
It’s time to be recognized in bold ways for your expertise, to own your brilliance unapologetically & cultivate your own flavor of leadership so that your business feels like an authentic extension of who you are
❂ All the details including pricing & what’s included are located in the application
I’m so excited to connect & to dive into your application
For me, for you, for all of us rising together, eye to eye, heart to heart & soul to soul
Together, we soar!
Scope of practice & lineage:
- Certified Holistic Health & Life Coach
The Health Coach Institute February 2018-Feburary 2019
- Certified Trauma-Informed Life & Success Coach, NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), Hypnotherapy, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Energy Healing
Liberate Certification Program with Kayley Robsham March 2021-August 2021
- Breathwork Blueprint Training
BreathARMY March 2022-May 2022Â
-Â Breathwork, Somatic & Leadership Facilitator Training
LightFORCE Facilitator Training with Jeffrey Sorensen of BreathARMY June 2022-June 2023
1:1 Self Expression & Embodied Leadership container for established business owners, creatives & visionary leaders
This 6 month container is a high-touch, immersive space that combines transformational coaching methods, consulting & somatic, breathwork & hypnotherapy facilitating to support you in liberating deeper layers of your self expression & rooting into your embodied leadership in expansive & nourishing ways.
If you’re like my other clients, you’re deeply passionate about the ripple effect of impact that your life changing work has on the lives of others. You’re here to be hired by dream clients on repeat, be a go-to in your industry, speak on stages, writing best selling books, be known globally for your body of work, host retreats/events in dream locations, experience a reality where you’re not just making big money, but you’re embodied in true wealth from the inside out & exist in a reality where you’re truly fulfilled & present with your beautiful life where you get to be present & spoil your loved ones.
Your vision isn’t just about creating wild success, it’s about existing in a life that you’re enriched by where freedom, nourishment & your well-being is also a top priority. The kind of vibes that allow you to play in the forest with your loved ones whenever you please while knowing that your business has your back & that your bank account is flourishing. Soul deep somatic & subconscious success is the way forward.
My expertise within the intricacies of self expression & embodied leadership takes a holistic, full body approach to supporting you within the realms leadership development, breathwork, hypnosis & somatics so that you create lasting, sustainable results that continue to change your life in the many years to come. Through supporting 1000’s of people over the past 8 years, I’ve learned that who you’re being on an identity level within your nervous system & subconscious imprinting, influences & impacts every facet of your leadership & the success you’re here to experience.
You’re here to enter a new relationship with your leadership & business where pressure & overwhelm has melted away like butter. Where you trust your liberated self expression & the limitations that come with holding back out of the fears of rejection, judgment, being misunderstood or having your character misrepresented as you share your powerful work with the world no longer stand in the way of the movement you’re here to lead.
It’s time to be recognized in bold ways for your expertise, to own your brilliance unapologetically & cultivate your own flavor of leadership so that your business feels like an authentic extension of who you are
❂ All the details including pricing & what’s included are located in the application
I’m so excited to connect & to dive into your application
For me, for you, for all of us rising together, eye to eye, heart to heart & soul to soul
Together, we soar!
Scope of practice & lineage:
- Certified Holistic Health & Life Coach
The Health Coach Institute February 2018-Feburary 2019 - Certified Trauma-Informed Life & Success Coach, NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), Hypnotherapy, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Energy Healing
Liberate Certification Program with Kayley Robsham March 2021-August 2021 - Breathwork Blueprint Training
BreathARMY March 2022-May 2022Â - Breathwork, Somatic & Leadership Facilitator Training
LightFORCE Facilitator Training with Jeffrey Sorensen of BreathARMY June 2022-June 2023