Think of this space as a luxury spa experience for your subconscious mind & body where you travel deeper & deeper into the creative vortex of your inner world to create the reality & business beyond your wildest, hottest of dreams

In The Sacred Self Hypnotherapy Library you are going to get 4 Hypnosis tracks to support you with:

β˜„οΈEmbodying your power as a leader

❀️‍πŸ”₯ Feeling safe to be seen & being more visible in your business

πŸ’Έ Creating financial overflow & embodying your wealthy identity

πŸ’₯ Liberating your expression & being unapologetically who you are

*All for only $17*


I believe so deeply that working directly with your subconscious is life changing.

It brings me so much joy to support you in creating mind blowing success in your leadership.

The deepest truth of your soul, creative power, & wisdom all exists within the potent cauldron that is your subconscious.

All of your desires, & answers already exist within you, & utilizing hypnosis supports you in using the key to unlock the door to letting it all flow into your reality.


Here's What I Know About You... 

πŸ”₯You desire to feel with every fiber of your being that what you create is LIFE CHANGING & that you can absolutely hold the success, impact, visibility, & money that comes into your life in every chapter you step into.

❀️You desire to run a global brand that impacts people all over the world through your programs, offerings, retreats, books, & experiences. Where you FEEL the magnitude of the impact you’re creating in the world. *ahem, it’s time for you to see YOU*

β˜„οΈYou desire to know how to self regulate & to NOT spiral into self doubt when things aren’t going as planned or you’re called forward to pivot — yes, you get to be rich, relaxed, & overflowing in self trust

✨You desire to hold the pose & vision no matter what season your business is in. Where your beliefs about what you’re capable of are so deeply rooted that you KNOW that any ebb or challenge doesn’t mean a damn thing about what you’re capable of receiving

πŸš€You desire to sell UNAPOLOGETICALLY & to gift the world your programs from “you’re welcome” energy because regardless of how many people join or pay you, you’re f*cking proud of what you do, what you create & who you are. You actually know that your continued success is inevitable. No it’s not going to go away. You’re secure within yourself & know that hellllll yes you’re really the one that gets to do this

πŸ…You desire to release the attachment to your worthiness having anything to do with your success, business or money so that your power is SELF-sourced & nothing/no-one could ever f*ck with what you’re here to create in the world. You know that although your business is a vessel for your purpose, it isn’t your first priority & you actually feel present in your life because FULFILLMENT is the vibe

πŸ’₯You desire to develop unf*ckwithable self trust so that you stop watering down what you actually want to say in your leadership, create drool worthy content that your soulmate clients are obsessed with, take up way more space because let’s face it, deep down you know you’re here to be famous for your work. Release the need to be liked by every random stranger on the internet because who gives a fck about being liked by every person, & because you’re so liberated in your expression people literally throw their money at you to rise alongside you as a result of what you stand for

🍯You desire to feel at home within yourself like drinking a hot cup of tea all cozied up on the couch in your fav comfy clothes. As a result of your delicious relationship with yourself…your confidence skyrockets, intimacy overflows, the relationships you have with your clients are a dream come true, money LOVES to be around you, life feels ALIVE, you make bold brave moves anchored into the knowingness that getting what you desire is your norm, & that you can absolutely handle the wide range of sensations/experiences that happen in your journey


Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool to help you further integrate into who you're becoming, let go of limiting beliefs and decisions, allow your desires to become embodied experiences in your mind + body, and to honour any experiences you have had in a gentle way.

We use hypnosis to help facilitate change on a subconscious level around all areas of your life & business.

Even though during your session you will be deeply relaxed, you're in full control of your body and mind.

As your Hypnotherapist I will be guiding you into a deeply relaxed state & will make suggestions to your subconscious mind to help you integrate into your desired state of being.

* Only suggestions aligned to your morals and values will be accepted internally πŸ§‘

Hypnosis has truly been one of the most powerful modalities I've ever used.

Your subconscious holds the keys to unlocking everything you've ever desired & I'm so excited to support you in this way!


What’s up gorgeous soul!

I’m Rachael – Global Coach & Facilitator for bold, brave, & brilliant leaders

I’m a voice for soul deep sustainable success, fulfillment + impact focused business, juicy pleasure + prosperity, unf*ckwithable self trust & liberated expression as you soar in your business

After 5 years of running my heart-led business & scaling to multiple 6 figures doing things my own way, I believe so deeply that the sky isn’t even the limit for what you get to create in this lifetime. This isn’t just business to me, this is a vessel for my purpose that's rooted in supporting people as they do the most epic, life changing, magical AF things in the world asembodied leaders.

The spaces we co-create together propel you into new realms where you will meet your limitless potential, your creative power that illuminates the world, & where you remember the power of your unapologetic expression.

I’m a time bender, rule breaker, & am the kinda person that usually makes people scratch their head as they say “how the fuck does she do it!?” & that’s exactly why my soulmate clients hire me – that manifesting generator magic babyyyyy!

As a Spiritual Hypnotherapist, Embodiment & Somatic Facilitator, & Certified Coach, I believe so deeply that who you are BEing behind what you do is everything

Together, we soar!