What I Stopped Doing to Create a Multiple 6-Figure Brand

authenticity business discomfort expression how to investing podcast self-sabotage

Today, Rachael dives deep into what she stopped doing to create a multiple 6-figure brand. This is a bit of a tough-love moment, but listening to this is surely going to awaken some fire in you!



In this episode, Rachael gets into

  • Her work within Africa Brooke’s Mastermind container & the new chapter she’s stepping into where her expression is totally liberated
  • A tough-love moment around what is needed to become the type of person you know you’re here to be
  • Stopping your reliance on how much money you make, how many clients you sign, or how “well” your launches go, to make you feel good about yourself
  • How she defines success in her life and business
  • What is birthed into the world when you are truly living and you feel present with the magick of your life.
  • The need to stop feeling like there is something wrong with you and start to embrace the full spectrum of your humanity
  • Believing that you get to make and receive money regardless of your emotional states.
  • How she stopped trying to convince herself why she didn’t need to invest in the spaces that her soul desired to be in.
  • One of the biggest reasons investing in working with a coach is so beyond words valuable.
  • Looking at investing as an act of self-love
  • How she stopped overanalyzing every decision her soul was desiring to make.
  • How she stopped having an “I can do it all on my own” mentality.
  • The imposter syndrome archetype of the soloist, and how she used to resonate with it the most
  • Recognizing that feeling like you need to do it all on your own is often a trauma response
  • Applying all that you’re learning and taking in and doing so even though you know it will be uncomfortable
  • How she stopped having a funky-ass relationship with how she views debt
  • Dismantling the shame of utilizing resources to fund your business
  • Holding the belief of financial overflow and what that means for finances and debt
  • A Story about joining Africa Brooke’s mastermind even when it “didn’t make sense”
  • How she stopped waiting for it to feel easy before taking action, & stopped asking for everyone else’s opinion to try to validate what she knew was already for her
  • Becoming the embodied version of that person who is holding their desired reality

Ask yourself the Questions: Where am I still holding back? Where am I still waiting? Where do I still have this tendency to only do things that feel good in the moment? Where am I still waiting for some future timeline to give me permission to do the damn thing?

Thank you so much for being here!

So excited for you to dive into this week's episode!




Are you ready to enter a chapter of your business that you’ll remember for the rest of your life as you embody your liberated expression, & unapologetically lead in your juicy magic? That’s what LIBERATION: The Mastermind is all about. ​​This is a fully immersive support vessel that’s rooted in community, collaboration, & connection.

By the end of our 6-month journey together, your reality is going to look and feel completely different.

Join Here: https://www.rachaelmeeds.com/mastermind 

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The work we do together is about liberating your self expression in life, love & leadership. It’s where you embrace your artistry & the full spectrum of your humanity to create true, embodied freedom, fulfillment & wealth from the inside out.

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Hypnosis has been one of the most powerful modalities I've ever used. Your subconscious holds the keys to unlocking everything you've ever desired & I'm so excited to support you in this way!
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For Courageous Leaders Who Are Here to Embrace Their Iconic It Factor & Get Hired & Paid For Their Life Changing Work 🔥

The work we do together is about liberating your self expression in life, love & leadership. It’s where you embrace your artistry & the full spectrum of your humanity to create true, embodied freedom, fulfillment & wealth from the inside out.

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90 minute private coaching session to help you accelerate your potency & breakthrough any subconscious patterns that are holding you back. Infusing subconscious + somatic healing. 

I value you, & your commitment to your vision. Together we rise eye to eye, heart to heart & soul to soul.

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60 minute private personalized Hypnotherapy session to help guide & support you in reprogramming your subconscious mind, release limiting beliefs/emotions, & bring security back into the body.

Hypnosis has been one of the most powerful modalities I've ever used. Your subconscious holds the keys to unlocking everything you've ever desired & I'm so excited to support you in this way!

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