You get to launch and sell unapologetically

energy launching mindset selling

I'm so excited because this week, we're going to be diving into everything regarding launching and selling in your business, through the lens of energetics, mindset, and emotional regulation, because for a lot of us, this is the biggest piece of business that can get neglected.

Yes, strategy is extremely important, but the biggest pieces of your business that makes it successful are:

  • What you do
  • How you're feeling inside of what you do. 
  • Learning to regulate your nervous system
  • Learning how to truly harness the potency of your energy

In this blog I cover:


You get to launch and sell unapologetically
You get to launch and sell unapologetically
You get to launch and sell unapologetically

How to communicate what you’ve created & helping others see it's value


So this week we're going to be talking about how launching and selling is really the channel to getting your magick into the hands of those who are here to grow and learn from you. So often people ask,

“How do I sell my services without being too salesy or too pushy?”

“How do I get people to see the value and what I'm launching?”

First, I want to express that the most important piece of this, before you even think about helping others see the value in what you’ve created, is for YOU to see the value of your work and knowing that your worthiness is inherent. 


It takes courage to put something out into the world


Worthiness is an inside job!

It doesn't come from achievements or results or sales or clients. It comes from YOU.

This is where we get to really invite in a lot of self acknowledgement and compassion for the parts of you that show up in your business in times where it feels uncomfortable.

Let's just make it really clear, when it comes to creating something and putting it out into the world, that takes a lot of courage!

Regardless of whether this is your first launch, or maybe you've already hit six or seven figures in your business,  it still takes courage.

It still takes bravery.

And it's worth noting that you deserve to receive praise and celebration from yourself. 


The value of your gifts & receiving through giving


What’s really important to remember is that your gifts are of extremely high service. That means that they're worthy of massive compensation.

Something that you should know is that giving and receiving come from the same energy.

When you give, you receive. When you receive, you give. 

It's just this beautiful exchange of energy. When you truly understand and embody abundance, selling becomes this huge turn-on because you start to understand that the exchange of energy blesses the lives of the people that say yes to being in your space.

Knowing that that's the same for you as a client or a consumer, that comes back to you tenfold. Getting grounded in that understanding, when you're selling something and people purchase it, you're doing them a service. That's beautiful. 



Selling is beautiful


If you're not selling, if you've got all these beautiful ideas that you're never taking action towards and you're never launching, that's a disservice to the people that are literally out there praying for someone like you to come into their space!

So when you start looking at the conversation around how you can sell your services without being salesy, you begin to wonder how to get people to see the value in what you’re launching. Something that you think is so important to lean into.

So your go-to is to sell in the way that you like to be sold to.


How to sell in the way that you like to be sold to


The reality is, we're always being sold to! You drive down the street and you see a billboard, you're being sold to. 

You walk into a store or you're being sold to. You watch YouTube and there's an ad that pops up, you're being sold to! 

This is where you get to look at how you enjoy being sold to or how you enjoy being in a conversation where someone is selling you something:

  • What does that feel like? 
  • What does that look like? 
  • Are there times where you’ve been sold to someone that you didn't really like? 
  • But what are the times that I did enjoy?

I know for me personally, the conversations that I have around sales are super amazing and vibey! They’re really fun because I'm not ever trying to convince somebody to do something.

The same goes for when I purchase something. I will more than likely find myself in conversations that are very similar to how I sell because everything's a mirror. We've all received the DMs that are like, 

"Hey, girl, love your work. How's your business doing? I have this new program. I think it'd be great for you."

And yet you've never spoke to this person!

I don't like being sold to that way, so I don't sell that way.

I’m in this vortex when I'm selling and I trust and know that the people who are looking for a solution to their problems, are going to be excited about my offer because it’s exactly what they feel they desire.


What it feels like to be sold to in a way that feels good


All the things that I have invested in specifically over the past year, have been really fucking chill conversations, like we're friends catching up and there is a beautiful conversation happening without any pushiness for a sale.

When you're conscious of who it is that you desire to work with and you're grounded in the types of exchanges of energy you desire to have, it's very likely that it will start showing up. 

Obviously we can't control the random fucking DMs from, you know, “Bob The Builder” who just wants to teach you how to scale to 100k months.

Learn to give yourself an opportunity to study what kind of experiences grab your attention, and pay attention to how you like to be sold to.



How to show up in sales conversations


I always receive feedback from a lot of the people that have enrolled into any of my courses or my private coaching that our sales conversation felt really fucking good.

“I could tell that you gave a shit!”

“I could tell that you really genuinely cared about me and that you are actually present and are interested in what I am experiencing”.

This is really important to keep in mind when selling. Remembering that on the other side of your screen is a human being. 

I am someone who doesn’t coach in the DMs.

So I have specific ways in which I have and hold space for conversations in the DMs, particularly when someone's asking me about a program that helps them come to their own clarity of a yes or no. 

What’s great about this is that people can feel that I give a shit because I actually do.

When you protect your energy, the people that are in your community see the value of the work that you're putting into the world and when we're creating a container.


Why people want to work with you


People see the value in you selling something that helps facilitate a transformation or helps them solve a problem they may have. Because you have your own life experience to lean into, you know how you like to be sold to, you know what those exchanges of energy feel like.

Selling is literally just telling people what you're excited about.

If you don't know why you're launching because you feel like you have to sell something and it doesn't actually excite you like that, right there is going to create a massive, energetic kink!

And people can feel it on an energetic level, whether they consciously realize it or not.


The energetics of selling


One thing that one of my mentors taught me is to think of launching like a big party that you're inviting people to. The people that say yes are so stoked! 

On the other hand, those who can't come or don't come this time, that doesn’t mean it’s anything about you, and it's likely that they’ll come to one of your future parties.

When we're looking at it from the perspective of launching this big party, people are so excited to come into your beautiful space and party with you. You're excited to be in their energy and they're excited to be in your energy!

When you can hold that certainty internally and you can hold that frequency of certainty, of excitement, of joy, of pleasure, it helps people that are on the fence of joining your program, feel energetically safe and held by you to say yes. 

Remember, there are people out there right now waiting for you to put your beautiful work into the world. 


You get to unapologetically sell


So sell and share your work, shout it from the mother-fucking rooftops because people need you.

You are amazing and the world is better off because you're in it. And I'm so grateful that you decided to say yes to your beautiful vision and your beautiful mission!

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If you loved the topic of this post, be sure to listen to the full, unedited podcast episode of The Embodied Leadership Podcast through the links at the top of the page.


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For Courageous Leaders Who Are Here to Embrace Their Iconic It Factor & Get Hired & Paid For Their Life Changing Work ๐Ÿ”ฅ

The work we do together is aboutย liberating your self expressionย in life, love & leadership. Itโ€™s where youย embrace your artistryย & theย full spectrum of your humanityย toย create true, embodied freedom, fulfillment & wealthย from the inside out.

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