Tap into the feelings you desire to embody as you launch

Tapping into the feelings you desire to embody as you launch

business embodiment energy how to manifestation mindset

Welcome back to this week's episode!

I am pumped to carry on with our launching series in July! Let's just get really clear on something here, launching in your business without prioritizing your energy and your emotional well-being is honestly like having sex without foreplay. 

It's all right. But it could be a whole lot more pleasurable, playful and yummy.

I've seen it time and time again where people go into a launch with all their strategies dialed in, only to find that midway through their launch, oh-so familiar feelings and thoughts arise. Then you think it's about doing more or that there is some secret sauce that you didn't get access to. But it's not. 


Tap into the feelings your desire to embody as you launch
Tap into the feelings your desire to embody as you launch
Tap into the feelings your desire to embody as you launch


The answer to your struggles is right in the mirror

The reality is, the answer can be found right in front of you if you were to look in the mirror. It's not really about how many emails you sent or didn't send or whether you did the masterclass or you didn't, or whether you had the waitlist or not, or whether you had the most elegant sales page or not.

It's you and the energy that you carry. 

Something we've been talking a lot about during this series is that strategies are important. But, who you're being inside of what you do, is what makes them work. People can feel what you're holding. 

The truth is, you can only receive what you feel safe enough to receive. This is why working with your subconscious mind during your launch is crucial.


The key to consciously creating the results your desire

The key to consciously creating the results that you desire, is feeling safe to hold the frequencies and to hold and receive those desires. The subtle self sabotage that can happen during a launch typically isn't because you didn't do enough or that you don't have enough. 

These thoughts and feelings that arise aren't facts and the meaning that you give them is what makes them mean something. So, mastering the energetics of your business is all about feeling, healing and alchemizing your emotional and mental limits into fucking power. 

Because girlfriend, gone are the fucking days of bypassing your emotions.

This is really about you coming back into your body and letting it teach your mind what gets to drop into that beautiful life and business that you've created. 



What mastering the energetics of your business is all about

Having that total radical responsibility over your healing, your liberation and your pleasure so that you can serve, launch, scale and sell. 

Grounded in your unique brilliance.

You get to let your desires and your passion pull you forward and to play in that realm of limitless possibilities and potential instead of chasing money or clients, or basing your worth on the results that you're seeing. 

So I'd love for you to really tap into the feelings that you're desiring to experience as a result of generating the money you desire to receive, serving the clients that you're calling in and having the launch that you know that you are here to experience. 


How to tap into the feelings you’re desiring to feel during your launch

What does that actually feel like? How can you cultivate those feelings and ground yourself into the vision the whole way through during your launch? Like I said at the beginning, launching in your business without prioritizing your energy and your emotional well-being is literally like sex without foreplay. 

This is why it's so important to not just warm up your audience and your community before you launch, but how you warm yourself up. How you let yourself really soak in those ooey-gooey, yummy, juicy feelings and the pleasure of serving the clients that you're excited to work with.

What does money represent for you? Let's not look at these arbitrary numbers. Let's actually understand what that means for you. 

What are you going to do with it?
How are you going to be in a relationship with that money?

Really allowing yourself to be in this state of excitement for what it is that you get to create and share. I think it's really important for you to set yourself up for success through whatever strategies feel in integrity with you from that more masculine side of launching. It's not all about just the feminine or just the masculine, There needs to be a balance. 


Ditching the old paradigm of business

On top of that, it’s about understanding what is going to make you feel grounded and full of pleasure and play during your launch as well as before you launch and after your launch. The profit that you desire to receive comes from who you're being and how you are taking care of yourself.

Money is very much tied to pleasure, so the more you allow yourself to be nourished, to take care of yourself, and allow yourself to really get immersed in those yummy feelings, the more magnetic you become.

The feelings come first and then the desires land.

I would love for you to really get out of that old paradigm of chasing the money and chasing the clients. If you don't receive what it is that you set out to receive and all of a sudden you don't feel like you're good enough, let's fucking ditch that!



Your business is not about you

The less you make your business about you, the less you're going to feel like you're perpetually failing or not enough. Yes, you benefit from your business. You all benefit from the freedom, the money, all of it. But your business’s mission isn't about you. So how can you stop making it about you and get back into integrity with why the fuck you're doing what you're doing?

The intention behind what you're doing is everything.

It's not enough to just have business values. It's not just enough to know your values. You need to embody them. You need to allow yourself to embody who the fuck you are in your business. It's crucial. 

Being an embodied leader isn't just about what you say, it's about what you do and who you are. Whether you’re in your first launch right now or you're going to be launching, remember that your business isn't about you.

How can you get into integrity with your values and embody your values?

This is what is going to help you become more magnetic. It's going to help you feel more expansive and have more space to hold the energy of the clients you desire to call in. It's going to help you have more space for the money you desire to call in. 

I want you to focus on how you want to feel, during your launch, how you want to feel in your business, how you can cultivate the feelings of serving and the “why” behind what you do, and above all, how you can start to embody those feelings every single day. 

Thank you so much for tuning into this week's episode, and I will see you next week.



If you loved the topic of this post, be sure to listen to the full, unedited podcast episode of The Embodied Leadership Podcast through the links at the top of the page.


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