Here’s the truth about your sh*t my friend

business emotional regulation inspiration mindset podcast

We're diving into a juicy conversation where I want to clear up a few things about those thoughts you’ve been having.

So I encourage you to pull up a chair, we're gonna dive in. 

In this blog post I cover:




How you have a choice about how you see things

So the reality is this, you have a choice about how you see things.

You can either see things in your life as…

Expensive or expansive

Struggles that hinder you or challenges that call you to rise.

Roadblocks that deter you from your mission or speed bumps that keep you focused on what's truly important to you.

Limiting or limitless.

You can create resistance or you can create opportunities.

You can choose.

You can choose to stay where you are now, or you can make decisions based on where it is you desire to be.

The choice is actually yours, and decision is one of the most potent frequencies that there is.

What you decide for yourself impacts every single thing that you see in your reality.


The Truth About The Thoughts You’ve Been Having

The Truth About Money

Maybe you think to yourself,

“Once I make more money, then I'll feel safe and trust myself.”

But the truth is you embody safety first, and then more money arrives because money is actually a neutral resource.

It's the feelings you attach to money that are what it will represent in your life.

What you must know is that you'll only ever receive what you feel safe to receive on a subconscious and somatic level.

So your job is to actually cultivate the space within your life, both internally and externally for what you desire to land here because here's the reality, my friend, you're the abundance that money can't wait to be around. 


The Truth About Being Seen

Maybe you think to yourself,

“It feels like people just don't fucking see me.

But the truth is you're not seeing yourself, and as a result of not seeing yourself, it feels like people don't get you or see you.

You're magnetic when you own all parts of who you are and you embody your unique brilliance.

So what parts of you are longing to be seen?

I want you just to feel into that for a second.

And once you have that answer, it's time to show up for them. 


The Truth About Waiting For The Right Time

Maybe you think to yourself,

“I need to wait for the right time before I take action.”

But the truth is waiting for the right time is an ego driven crock of shit.

You create the right time through decision, it's not something that happens as a result of waiting.

And don't get me wrong, it's okay to create space to contemplate decisions.

But be mindful of when your contemplation becomes procrastination, cloaked as a means to avoid doing the big and expansive thing. 


The Truth About Investing In Yourself & Your Business

Maybe you think to yourself,

“This investment I want to make seems really expensive.”

But the truth is it's actually expansive and it's tripping your ego the fuck out.

Your subconscious mind views anything outside of your current comfort zone as unsafe and therefore you will unconsciously sabotage away the very things that you desire as a means to keep you safe.

Be aware of the intention behind who you're being and what you're doing.

What's actually expensive is staying where you are right now.

Think about that for a moment.

Staying where you are right now is the expensive thing.


The Truth About Comparison

Maybe you think to yourself while you're scrolling on social media, and you're looking at all these people that you admire,

It's so easy for them.”

But the truth is ease is cultivated through devotion.

Ease is cultivated through devotion.

It doesn't mean that everything is easy, it means that you've cultivated the capacity to self regulate, and the emotional intelligence to handle whatever comes your way from a place of grace.

And maybe it seems easy for her or for that person you're comparing yourself to because they've spent years building what they have now, and you're comparing your year one to their year five or 10.

But don't get it twisted, ease in’t effortless, it's a state of being, not a way of getting out of doing the things that expand or challenge you.

And I got to be real with you, no one is more special than you are.

Worthiness is your birthright, and your desires are placed on the altar of your heart for a reason.

It's your job to act accordingly. 


The Successes and Challenges of Business

So let me just share this with you.

In the past 22 months, my business has generated multiple six figures in sales.

In the past 22 months, I've supported, coached and helped hundreds of people all over the world.

In the past 22 months, I've consciously created a life beyond what I ever once thought was possible.

In the past 22 months, I've invested six figures in myself and into my business.

In the past 22 months, I've developed unfuckwithable self-trust and self love, that truly makes me cry, tears of gratitude.

But you want to know what else has happened in that time period…

I've grieved.

I've been challenged.

I've been called forth.

I've experienced loss.

I've had to make hard decisions.

I've had to let people go. 

I've needed to slow down to speed up.

I've had to learn tough lessons.

I've had to learn to have my own back above all else.

I've had to heal decades of trauma, and so much more.

And so what I've learned is that I go first and the rest will follow because life actually creates through you, and so you can either sit on the sidelines of your life waiting for things to happen, or you can get in the arena and go all in.

But it's your job to act accordingly. 


How to get real with yourself and dive into who you want to be

When you're in a position where you're thinking about who you want to be and where you want to go, it's an opportunity for you to get real with yourself and ask

“Who do I have to be to make this happen?”
“Who do I get to become to allow in these desires?”
“What energy do I need to hold to feel safe to create the space in my life both internally and externally to welcome in the eautiful things that I'm here to experience?”

Because life is a beautiful opportunity for us to grow, to evolve & to transform.

But something you need to understand is that your human experience isn't something you transcend, you don't transcend beyond being human, you learn to have a human experience as a spiritual being.

And so it's important that as you are looking at where you want to be a month from now, three months from now, six months from now, a year from now, five years from now and beyond, you have to remember that what you choose in this moment is what matters.

The present is all that exists.

The gap that you get to bridge between where you are now and where you desire to be, is a direct result of your embodiment and who you're choosing to be in your life.

It's a direct result of how you show up for yourself when things are going great & how you show up for yourself when things challenge you.

It's not about being perfect.
It's not about always having the answer.
It's not about always getting it right.

It's about knowing how to move through life with grace and compassion for yourself and every single person you come into contact with because separation is an illusion. 

So as you go through this next week, I want you to feel into what it would look like for you to develop unfuckwithable self-trust.

What would it look like for you to trust yourself so deeply & to have your own back so much that nothing and no one could ever strip you of your power?

What would it look like for you to trust yourself so much that you knew with a full body fuck yes, that every single thing that you desire gets to happen?

Where you trust that your business has your back because you have your own?

So in this invitation, I hope that you can allow yourself to notice and to see what is possible for you as a result of expanding your capacity to receive & to hold, because where you are headed, where you desire to go is going to require you to move differently than who you're being now, it's going to require new beliefs, new patterns, new behaviors, & new habits that are in direct support of the person that you truly are here to be in the world. 



If you loved the topic of this post, be sure to listen to the full, unedited podcast episode of The Embodied Leadership Podcast at the links at the top of the page.


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The work we do together is about liberating your self expression in life, love & leadership. It’s where you embrace your artistry & the full spectrum of your humanity to create true, embodied freedom, fulfillment & wealth from the inside out.

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