Expand your capacity to receive more success, money, clients & impact
In this week’s episode, Rachael drops into a really delicious conversation all about how there is a part of you that already actually knows how to hold the energy of more success, money, clients & impact in your leadership!
In this episode Rachael covers:
- That you know what it takes to hold the energy of so much more, and an exercise to remember this
- What is required to expand your capacity to receive more success, money, clients & impact
- Exploring the new ways that you’re here to be
- The daily devotional path to your new identity
- That every part of you is valuable
- A practice to dive deeper into this work
This is a conversation that is inviting you to a new chapter of devotion, an opportunity to rise with more conviction, and to embody an identity that encompasses the full spectrum of what it means to be you.
Thank you so much for tuning in!
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