Episode 37: Energy management & emotional regulation during your launch

Energy management & emotional regulation during your launch

emotional regulation energy how to launching mindset self-care

Welcome back to this week's episode! We're going to be diving into all things regarding energy management, emotional regulation and mastery in that motherfucking mindset during your launch.

In this blog I cover:


Energy management & emotional regulation during your launch
Energy management & emotional regulation during your launch
Energy management & emotional regulation during your launch


Why do we need to focus on energy management & emotional regulation during a launch?

Let’s make one thing clear. I'm a rebellious entrepreneur, OK? The way I approach business and launching is honestly pretty fucking different than most people out there. I'm going to be real with you, and something I want to say is that there is room.

There is room for you to be you in your business and during your launch.

I want to talk a little bit about the reasons why we need to focus on energy management and emotional regulation during launching. 

One of the most important reasons for this is because burnout during or after your launch just isn't the fucking vibe! I've seen it so many times and I've even experienced it in the past, particularly when I first started launching, where I feel so full of energy right before I launch, right at the start of my launch and then mid- launch toward the end of the launch, I would be fucking burnt out as hell!



I've seen this in so many entrepreneurs. 

This is where we really need to invite in balance and energy management and emotional regulation. The strategies are extremely important when launching. There are people that will say that they don't use any kind of strategy when they're launching. And that’s great! 

I would never be one to say that there's only one way to do things. You do you girlfriend, abso-fucking-loutely! But, who you're being and how you feel, and how you nourish yourself, is more important than the strategy that you're using. 

How you are operating inside of what you do, is what makes the things that you're doing actually work.


What can happen when you don’t manage your energy effectively?

When you aren't being in integrity with managing your energy and regulating your emotions and working with your subconscious mind,
you get midway toward the end of your launch and you start losing momentum because you're so fucking tired. 

Then all of a sudden, you start to take a step back from your business after your launch because you're so exhausted and drained. This is something that we get to mitigate/totally get the fuck away from when we learn how to take care of yourself during your launch.

Energy management is oftentimes overlooked and undervalued in the online world, and yet it's actually one of the most crucial aspects of a successful launch.


What to prioritize before and during your launch

When I said I'm a rebellious entrepreneur and I approach launching very differently than most people, this is what I mean. I prioritize, play and self care above all else during my launch.

One of the ways that I find this to be really helpful is by tapping into my more masculine energy before I actually launch. This is where I start to allow my masculine to set up the playing field before I launch so that when I'm launching, my feminine actually has space to flow, to play, and to relax all with ease during the actual launch. 

The ways that I allow this beautiful dance between these energies to exist is, before I'm launching, this is where I'm usually creating the plans or the emails, or giving myself the space to really plan what it is that I'm doing during my launch with a lot of room for wiggling because I'm a manifesting generator.

I love having lots of space to pivot and to shift and to flow, while also having a plan that supports my feminine flowy energy. It allows me to be in this mindset of,

“OK, I know when things are happening. I know when I need to do X, Y and Z. I know when this needs to go out. I know when I'm releasing this bonus. I know when the doors are closing.”

That way when I'm launching, I'm just having a fucking good old time and it's fun and it's flowy. I spend lots of time outside and I take baths, I eat food, I play with my cats, I have fun with my partner and my friends and I. I live my fucking life because the more fun I have, the the more I have the energetic capacity and space to hold for the people that are entering one of my programs.


How to balance your energy during your launch

This is really all about releasing that hustle, the grind, the stress, the fear, the burnout that are associated with launching because people haven't learned to manage their energy and regulate their emotions during the process.

Balance is key.

I know for me personally, something that really turns me on energetically is having a lot of space in my calendar. The ways that that looks like in my world is by creating the systems and the plan before I go into launching, so that I don't have a full fucking calendar every day where I feel like I'm running around like a chicken with its head cut off!

Some of the questions you need to ask yourself are:

  • How do I want to feel during my launch? 
  • How am I going to celebrate during my launch? 
  • How am I going to take care of myself during my launch? 
  • What boundaries in my setting within myself and with others during my launch
  • What's going to make me feel that I'm able to operate in complete integrity with my desires during my launch?

One of the things I know works really well for me is having an organized space. I love the feeling of not having a bunch of clutter everywhere.

Before I go into a launch, I make sure that my house is put together. I make sure it's clean, I make sure things are put away, that my laundry is put away, because that reflects to me that I have space energetically. I don't feel frantic.

My outer world typically reflects my inner world and vice versa.


How to regulate your emotions during your launch

It's so important to remember that you get to decide how you show up for yourself and within your launch. When it comes to emotional regulation, this is one of the most crucial aspects of having a successful launch.

This is why when I work with my clients, we focus so much on energy management and reprogramming and working with the subconscious mind, learning how to create safety in the body. If you're in the middle of launching and you notice that you're really stressed out and you're feeling really overwhelmed, just take that gentle pause and ask yourself, “How am I taking care of myself right now?”

Maybe you're feeling a little bit of fear, in which case ask yourself:

  • What helps me feel abundant? 
  • What helps me feel like I'm open?

Maybe instead of scrolling on social media, go outside and play in nature, or go run yourself a nice warm bubble bath.

Remember that you get to honor yourself during your entire launch and there's room to be you. One of the ways that I think is really important to set yourself up for a successful launch, is to let yourself be you. The things that you might think are quirky and weird, might be the very thing that attracts your soulmate clients to you.



Taking care of yourself during your launch attracts soulmate clients

I love a great sense of humor. I have a great sense of humor. I like being my weird wild self. So I create rules and I create content that shows my personality. I would encourage you to look at what ways you can get creative and allow yourself to let your authenticity shine through in your launch.

You're going to show yourself going for a hike and hanging out with your friends. But that could be the very thing that attracts your soulmate client to you! You're the person that people feel called to work with. Your soulmate clients are magnetized to you because you are you.

One of the most important ways that people feel safe to be in your energy is through you nourishing yourself and taking care of yourself.

Remember, when you go through your launch, before your launch, during your launch, after your launch, to take care of yourself. When you're taking care of yourself, you're able to take action from a higher frequency. You're able to move and be grounded in your power because it all starts with you.

You're the motherfucking magic

You're the secret sauce.

You're the thing that makes everything else work. Just remember that balance is key. Who you're being inside of what you're doing is what makes all of those strategies work.

Let yourself be you and bring in the play, bring in the self care and allow yourself to be grounded in that self trust and inner knowing that you have what it takes. I promise you that if you can allow yourself to prioritize the play, the self care, the fun, the flow, launching is going to become a lot more full of ease and a lot more fun.

Thank you so much for tuning in to today's episode, and I'll see you next week!



If you loved the topic of this post, be sure to listen to the full, unedited podcast episode of The Embodied Leadership Podcast through the links at the top of the page.


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