Creating From Overflow Versus Scarcity

business coaching how to inspiration manifestation podcast

I'm so happy to have you here. I invite you to join this conversation, grab a pen, grab a piece of paper, and jump into this space with me.

The truth is that creating, launching, serving and coaching hits different when you're doing so from a place of overflow, versus scarcity.

This is an invitation to move beyond the linear time that often exists within the mind and to actually step into a new chapter through embodiment.

In this Blog Post We Cover:




What does it mean to create from a place of overflow?

Let’s get curious about what it means to create from overflow instead of scarcity.

When you're creating from overflow, you're creating from love, & you become a channel for life to create through you.

So when we're speaking about moving from scarcity to overflow, we're really talking about being the embodiment of abundance, being the embodiment of love, being the embodiment of trust because when you are embodied in overflow, scarcity is eradicated.

What if you were able to exist in a timeline where…

You are able to recognize and truly feel, not just think, but feel deep down on a cellular level that you are the abundance that money can't wait to be around?

You are the prosperity that actually magnetizes your desires from the quantum realm into the 3D?

You are the overflow that eradicates scarcity?

And so the reality of this is that your representation, the embodiment of overflow for you, how that shows up for you in your life, will look different for you than for me and other people.

So when you're thinking about:

What does it gets to look like in my life when I begin to create from overflow?
How do I move through life?
How does life create through me when I am embodied in abundance?

And I'm not just talking about abundance through the lens of money, I am talking about the abundance that keeps the trees growing, keeps the water flowing, keeps your heart beating; the abundance that exists in all things at all times where the illusion is scarcity, where the illusion is actually separation.

You begin to realize that so much of our human experience is actually clearing the f*cking cobwebs that have clouded our capacity and ability to see our wholeness and our abundance.


The impact of who you're being, how you feel, and how deeply you trust yourself on manifestation


One of the things that matters the most is what we believe about ourselves deep down on an identity-based level when we're communicating around abundance & manifestation.

So much of our human experience is learning and unlearning and allowing ourselves to become more embodied in the essence of our soul.

So often when we're looking to step into that new chapter of overflow and abundance, what happens is that people start to forget about their humaneness.

You won't transcend your human experience,
You will experience many different emotions,
You will experience many different life events,
You will experience many different things,

But what impacts your capacity to feel secure & to welcome in what you desire,
what impacts your ability to know with a full-body f*ck yes that you can, in fact, handle all the beautiful things that flow in and out of your life is who you're being, how you feel, and how deeply you trust yourself on an identity level.

One of the things that's so important to remember is that you're always manifesting, you're always creating, life is this big canvas and you're a f*cking paintbrush, you are always in a co-creative process.

Always, always, always, always.

So something that I like to teach when it comes to manifestation and conscious creation that completely dismantles the need to be good, or to be one way all the time, or to be high vibe, or to exist in a positive state all of the time…

is to look at what you believe to be true on an identity level versus the experiences, the beliefs, the thoughts, the feelings that happen on a day to day basis because they don’t actually matter.

I'll give you an example:

What I believe to be true on an identity level is that
I trust myself,
I trust money,
I trust God,
I know that I receive money regardless of my emotional states,
I trust that my soulmate clients will always find me,
I trust that I am deeply, deeply guided,
And I trust myself to handle whatever comes my way.

Now, because that's what I believe to be true on an identity level, it doesn't f*cking matter if I have a day where I feel really f*cking sad, or I feel angry, or I flow through 50 different emotions in one day because those feelings, those experiences don't actually impact my capacity to receive.

Again, what you believe to be true on an identity-based level is what impacts your ability to exist in that overflowed state as a foundation.

Ask yourself some of these questions:

Who am I being?
How am I in relationship with myself when I am experiencing challenge?
How do I show up?
Who am I being for myself in those states of being?

Because on the flip side to what I mentioned, if you're somebody who believes that when you feel really shitty that you can't receive money, your subconscious mind is going to create evidence to prove you right.

Your subconscious mind is literally there to prove what you believe to be true on that subconscious level, to prove you right.

This is why identity work is such a huge part of what I do.
This is why I work with the subconscious mind with my clients.

Because again, what you believe to be true on an identity level is what impacts your reality.

Now what we're getting at here is that you are a human being with human experiences, and so when you learn to literally get off this hamster wheel of trying to fix yourself and you start worshiping the beauty that exists within your human experience…

You're able to develop and cultivate such a deep level of unf*ckwithable self trust that it doesn't actually matter what does or doesn't happen, because the foundation of your existence is rooted in overflow.

It's rooted in trust in general.

Trust that you are literally co-creating your life alongside something that keeps your heart beating, that loves you, that wants you to flourish.

In terms of manifestation,
it's not about always being in overflow,
it's not about being perfect.
It's not about always feeling amazing.
It's not about always being one thing.

It's about knowing that no matter what you experience
you are embodied in abundance,
you are embodied in overflow,
and you trust yourself.

Picking up what I'm throwing now? 


How feeling safe to receive something doesn't necessarily mean you're ready for it


Feeling safe to receive something doesn't necessarily mean you're ready for it.

You're not gonna be ready for most of the things that you experience because there are always new things happening.

It's not about feeling ready, being ready is a decision, not a feeling.

It's actually about having the capacity through that foundation of overflow, trust, abundance, and love to know that you have the ability to integrate the things as they manifest…
As a direct result of feeling secure within yourself…
As a direct result of trusting yourself.

And this is where we have to become aware of who we're being in the world, & who we're being in relationship with our business.

Your business is a ceremony…how are you showing up to the altar?

How are you showing up in your business?
Who are you being when no one's looking?
How do you treat yourself?

Being an overflow, and existing and creating from that place is literally being connected to love.

How can I let life create through me today?

And when we're talking about creating from that overflow state also ask yourself to be clear on what your values are as a person, so that they can act as a compass in your life.

What's the why behind the creation?
What's the why behind the posts you're making?
What's the why behind signing that client?
What is the intention behind the things that you do in the way that you show up and the way that you create?

We get to start to create a new harmonious relationship within ourselves within our business, through the lens of love.

So when you're going to launch, drop into that heart space and ask,

What needs to be birthed through me right now?
How can I serve people?
How can I show up in integrity with my soul?

And then when you know what your values are, as a person, you can start to notice when you're out of integrity with those values and gently guide yourself back into equilibrium. 


What overflow & opulence are

Maybe you're somebody who's like,

“What the f*ck is overflow?” 
“What is opulence?

My new group coaching program Overflow & Opulence is going to be so fucking groundbreaking for the eight coaches who enter the space because when you develop unf*ckwithable self trust…

You create sustainable success,
You are able to have your business meet pleasure,
You're able to create intuitive impact because you're leading from a place of being in integrity, with your soul, with your mission with the vision that's been placed on the altar of your motherfucking heart.

And so when I'm talking about overflow, I'm talking about true motherf*cking abundance baby, where there's no glass ceilings up in this bitch.

It's tapping into your unique brilliance and illuminating the world with your magic.
It's tasting the richness of your life.
It's literally being in the embodiment of your potency,

where again, you are the abundance that money can't wait to be around.
where again, you are the prosperity that magnetizes your desires, from the quantum into the 3D.
Where again, you are the overflow that eradicates scarcity in every edge, corner and aspect of your life.

And when I'm talking about opulence, I'm talking about you creating generational greatness, & generational wealth,

Where you are literally changing the DNA within your body,
Where you are healing your ancestral lineage through your sacred yes and devotion to who you're here to be in the world.

It's creating delicious impact that blesses the lives around you.

It's where business meets pleasure,

it's where you have a premium as fuck life.

And it's where you dive into the luxuriousness of your being, And you elevate your existence through painting your house, your body, with unconditional love, with grace, and with a level of gratitude that could bring you to your motherfucking knees.

That is what Overflow & Opulence is to me. And that's the invitation that I'm extending to you. Because like I said, when you learn to create, launch, serve, coach and lead from a place of overflow versus scarcity it hits different, it feels different.

Your life becomes playful.

You're able to hold yourself, & you’re able to expand your capacity
to hold the energy of more clients,
to hold the energy of more money,
to hold the energy of more success, more eyes on you, more responsibility.

But the reality is you need to be more dedicated and committed to your vision than you are to your comfort zone.

It's where you're able to rub up against those new edges in every chapter you step into, knowing how to hold your power.

This is an invitation for you to step into a new paradigm of business,
A new paradigm of leadership where unf*ckwithable self trust is your anchor into creating sustainable success in ways that blow your own damn mind.

I truly believe that where you get to go next gets to be beautiful and magnificent.

This is an opportunity to step into the person that you're here to be.


We’re not just here to have a premium business


One of the things that we have to start looking at is that we're not just here to have a premium business,
we're also here to have a premium as fuck life,

a life that we can enjoy,
a life that we feel secure in,
a life that feels so f*cking good that we're able to bring all the juicy energy and pour it back into the things that we create, back into the impact that we have because again, we're allowing ourselves to cultivate a deeper connection with who we are on a soul motherf*cking level.

And so if you're committed to… 

  • Stepping into the vibe of overflowing amounts of worthiness and security and receiving money, 
  • Having Holy f*ck yes please self trust while launching, 
  • Being so deeply embodied in your CEO energy that you're able to create that sustainable success and results where you're able to truly show up for your clients and your community so f*cking grounded in who you are that you create ripple effects of impact, 
  • Being able to know how to hold your power to hold your energy to feel fulfilled as f*ck, and to create intuitive impact. 

This is your invitation to step into a new paradigm of leadership in business, where sustainable success is the vibe.

And the way in which you create this is cultivating unf*ckwithable self trust
In yourself,
In your intuition,
In God or the universe.


How to guide yourself back to overflow


The struggle’s over, scarcity gets eradicated when you step into overflow,
when overflow is your foundation.

It's where you can return to it over and over and over again.

When you notice your feeling self doubt, you compassionately and lovingly guide yourself back to that foundation of overflow.

When you notice that you're in fear, you lovingly and compassionately guide yourself back to that foundation of overflow.

It is a way in which you're able to move through life without feeling like the beauty, the magic, the incredible things that you have created will be taken from you.

Imagine for a moment what you get to create from that place.

When you trust yourself so f*cking much that literally nothing and no one could ever get in the way or stop you from what you're here to do.

You know what comes your way because you've got your back, and because you trust yourself.

Imagine what you get to create when you trust your business.
Imagine what you'll get to create when you trust money.
And most importantly, imagine what you're going to get to create when you deeply motherf*cking trust yourself.

And I'm speaking from complete integrity with my personal life.

I've come from the things I've witnessed my clients evolve and transform out of and through it become the embodiment of my work.

And so I could give you a list of all the certifications and modalities that I'm trained in, but I will tell you right now that one of the most important mirrors that I have is what I get to see every day in my clients and what I get to see every day when I look in the mirror.

You deserve to trust yourself, you deserve to love yourself, you deserve to be able to literally taste the juicy richness of your life.

I want you to create jaw-dropping success, because when you continually are able to honor yourself and honor your sacred yes, that creates a ripple effect in your clients lives, in their clients lives and on and on and on and on and on far beyond your time on this planet.

Overflow and Opulence is open and is starting January 2022.

This is an intimate, expansive, beautiful f*cking potent space for eight premium coaches to kick off 2022 drippin in their unique brilliance and potency.

And truth be told, I've never been more excited about a program than I have been with this one.

I’ve crystallized all of the transformation, the experiences, the wisdom that I have gained, and I've collapsed it into this program to be one of the most groundbreaking experiences that you get to be a part of.

And so I'm curious when you think about this next month when you think about who you want to be in 2022,

What is a word that describes what you're here to embody?

And the invitation is for you to start to take the actions that are in direct support of what you're here to create,

There is a need for you to be dedicated and committed to your vision more than In your comfort zone.

Every new chapter you step into is going to call you forth in new ways.
Every new chapter of success is going to ask you to move differently.
Every new season of your life is going to ask that you show up in ways that perhaps you haven't before,

But remember that all of the beautiful things that you've experienced up until this point have allowed you and have given you the ability to know that you can do this, that you have your own back,

Think about all the magic you've created, all the things you've gone through, you already have a solid foundation.

And what we get to do is we get to create a chapter where you know that your success won't just last but it will get better and better and better.

I don't want you to just make f*cking delicious amounts of money and create amazing amounts of impact, I actually want you to feel it along the way.

Because there are many people out there who have created multiple six-figure, seven-figure businesses that are burnt the fuck out and can't feel the magic they built.

I don't want that for you.

And this is why when you start to prioritize your mindset, energetics and embodiment, you will continually learn and know with a full-body f*ck yes, that you can hold yourself, that you can hold your power, that you can hold the energy of all the beautiful things that you are desiring in your reality every new season you step into.

Because like I said earlier, feeling safe to receive doesn't always mean that you're going to be ready because you are probably not going to be ready for most of the things that enter your life.

But when you develop unf*ckwithable self trust you have the capacity to integrate your manifestations as they land instead of pushing them away, or not trusting that you can handle it.

And it all happens as a direct result of you wholly and fully feeling secure within yourself and trusting that you can handle it all.



If you loved the topic of this post, be sure to listen to the full, unedited podcast episode of The Embodied Leadership Podcast at the links at the top of the page.


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The work we do together is about liberating your self expression in life, love & leadership. It’s where you embrace your artistry & the full spectrum of your humanity to create true, embodied freedom, fulfillment & wealth from the inside out.

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